
Art Direction, Game Layouts, Cinematic Animation, Game Character Animation, Storyboards & Story Design, Background Art Based on the popular Hamtaro TV series, the Hamtaro: Wake Up Snoozer game was produced and developed by ImaginEngine and Riverdeep/ShoPro as one...

PTO Agent Oso

12 Game Design/Game Layout Sketches Preschool Time Online was a Disney online subscription service that helped preschoolers get a head start on their kindergarten skills through learning-based activities. Each week a new theme provided the framework for different...

Chutes and Ladders

123 Storyboards and Animation The computer version of Chutes and Ladders for Hasbro Interactive introduced a few new aspects over the traditional board game. One of these involved a series of “Do” and “Don’t” movies that showed each time a player went up a ladder or...

2D Game Art

12 12 Art Design, Character Design, Production of Digital Assets By and large, game assets used for the game world come in bits and pieces. In 2D worlds especially, working with characters is akin to manipulating a shadow puppet with articulating limbs, or emulating...

Early Interactive Pieces

Design, Animation and Coding for Interactive Media Much of my early interactive work in the mid 1990s was the chance to develop and code my own experiments and mini-games. Comfortable with various software for creating digital art and animation, the art production...